
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Progress


Donate Stock

Information for Securities Brokers

The ALS Association Oregon and SW Washington Chapter is pleased to accept gifts of securities.

Give Securities Electronically (DTC Transfer)

The ALS Association Oregon and SW Washington Chapter’s DTC number and Account Number are as follows:

National Financial Services, LLC
DTC #0226
Account #: 636004220
Account Name: The ALS Association Chapter of Oregon and SW Washington

For more information please contact Amy Easton at 503-238-5559 x116 or via e-mail at Amy.Easton@alsoregon.org.

Brokers, one more thing, please.

The ALS Association needs to know whom to thank for their generosity. DTC transfers of stock are received by The Association anonymously. Please call 503-238-5559 x116 or e-mail  Amy.Easton@alsoregon.org when making a gift of securities on behalf of a client using DTC transfer.